Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014 1st Area - Cholula

Ok, Oh my was even more crazy than last week and so guess what!? I have thirty minutes to write an email and read all the other ones I inbox was super super full this week and so I will just print them off again hopefully and then I am praying that we can do way better with our time and then I can actually have the full time to email so yeah, I am super super super sorry about this! This week the email is going to be kind of lame but I am still going to try and make it worth your time.

Alright so we have been teaching a cute little old man named Gabriel and he is interested in our message and he is pretty good with keeping the commitments that we extend to him so that is awesome. He had a baptismal date but he hasn{t been coming to church because of his job and so we have to push it back and push it back but we are focusing on him and I think he feels our love for him and he knows that we care about him so hopefully he will be able to have a little miracle and just make it to church two more times at least so that he can be baptized and then hopefully he will continue to come so that he can gain a stronger testimony with each week and renew his covenants through the santa cena. 

We also went and taught this man named Hilirao and I didnt really know what was going on so i kind of just stood around for a lot of it and after a while it was hard to stay focused on what was going on because i could only pick out a few words here and there and try to make it into a coherent sentance but it wasnt working out and we talked with him for way way too long and it started raining on us but apparently he got really offended that we couldnt go into his house (he doesnt have another mujer in the home so we cant go in...its against the rules) and so he got offended and now he doesnt want us to teach him anymore so that is super super sad...we are going to go back some day in the near future and try again though. 

We picked up a new investigator named Victor and he is really nice. He lost his leg, like it is amputated at the knee, and I dont know what happened because I couldnt understand the spanish but I will ask my companion what happened, I only know that it happened recently haha. We invited him to our ward activity this friday and I hope that he can come. His niece or daughter is also invited to come and we are also hoping that she will be able to attend as well. We kind of counted her as an investigator too because she was sitting in and listening to the first lesson we had with Victor. She is also the lady who teaches the yoga classes that we take on our Pday. But today she was at the dentist and so her mom, this old super duper cute lady, let us in and she was all, Oh I know yoga! And she totally taught us and did yoga with us. She is so so funny and super cute! We invited her to the activity too. But she also teaches zumba and tichee and all these other things and she is just so funny and full of energy! She actually kind of reminds me of grandma I feel like they could be really good friends if they spoke the same language :) 

Mariana is a less active member that we visit a lot. We do service for her and we teach her lessons and she is super cute and her daughter is like the cutest little girl I have ever seen in my life! We are working to reactivate her and to teach her husband because he isnt a member and Mariana has a goal to someday go to the Temple and be sealed so we are trying to help her family achieve that goal. 

Ah! Ok I dont have time to tell you more about the people that I am already beginning to love but hopefully I can do more of that next weeek and also I don{t have my camera with me so pictures have to wait for one more week but I ate one of those nacho libre corns and my companion and I took some pics with it so those are something to look forward to ;) Um, also we had a ton of miracles this passed week! We got some free bread and a bus driver just let us have our ride for free that same day so that was pretty awesome and then my companion felt that we should go knock on this one door so we did and we invited this young woman to the activity on friday and she accepted so that was a miracle and then I had a super awesome and yet at the same time kind of hard/bad experience with the Spirit and reading this awesome talk and some verses in D&C so that was something that was cool and I think of it as a tender mercy of the Lord. My testimony has been growing so much already and was strengthened a lot this week. 

I will explain more of this later but I really have to go now! I love you all and I am so happy to be here and to be serving in this area even though it is really hard and I am realizing everyday how much I still lack but it is ok because I have the Savior on my side and a Heavenly Father who loves me and I have this glorious gospel in my life and that all makes me so happy! I will write back next week! Love you a lot!! 

Love always,
Hermana Walker


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