Anyway, Hna.
Kraczek and I were laughing so hard and we just kept saying ¨Como!?¨And stuff
like that. Like, how in the world did that happen?? And then it was super
awesome because right after that happened to me, Hna. Kraczek was walking to go
into our study to grab something and she puched the door open really hard but
then it hit the tip of an umbrella that was on the floor and swung back to it`s
old spot right as she was walking to enter the room so...SMACK!! She hits the
side of her face right on the door...pretty dang fuerte too, and we died
laughing again! It was SO funny! I don`t know how all this stuff happens to us
but I am really flad that we are able to just laugh it off and still be happy
and have a good time :) And I am really glad that she laughs at this stuff like
I do because there are some people in the world (a lot actually) who don`t
laugh when this kind of stuff happens and if that was the case with us then
there would be a lot of awkward situations...and my comp would think I was the
rudest person on the planet... Thankfully that is not the case :) My comp is
awesome and we laugh at a ton of the same things so it works out perfectly. The
Lord is so amazing how He totally just knows who to put with who and what
things need to happen to us in order for us to grow :) It is incredible!
Alright so
basically, Heavenly Father is the best and He loves us so much! We are
seriously blessed everyday! I don`t even know how we are so blessed and how He
sends us so many miracles and blessings. Our minds are basically blown on a
daily basis! First of all, we get free stuff all the time! We get free food and
tons of fruit and we get free rides in combes (haha I have no clue how to spell
that but basically they are little tiny buses like a van that we ride in around
our area to get to places that are far or that we take when we are running
late), the Lord gives us extra time somehow...yeah those are just a few. He
also leads us to the people who need us most and helps us have the Spirit so
that we know what to teach to help them in that moment in their lives. And I
also think it is so incredible how we can love these people so much!!
Yesterday, we
were at the comida and we were teaching a little message afterwards on an
attribute of Christ. We taught this active member family about hope and it
turned out to be just what they needed. They are having some struggles with one
of their family members and they don`t understand what is going on because she
doesn`t tell them. She only tells them that she doesn`t want to go to church
and that she doesn`t want to live here with them and it is really hard for the
mom and the other siblings. Basically we were all crying (there were four of
us) and feeling the Spirit of hope, faith and love during these moments. It was
so amazing to me how I could have so much love for this family already and I
haven`t even been here long! It was also amazing that I was able to understand
everything that was going on in this lesson... the Lord blessed me with the
gift of tongues more fully than before so that I could understand wht was
happening and love this family. I seriously don`t want to leave...
We have
cambios on the 28th and I really don`t want it to happen because I don`t know
if I am going to leave or stay and I don`t want to switch companions either.
It`s the worst! But at the same time it is super awesome because the Lord knows
what is best and He knows where we need to be and who we need to be with to
grow and help others grow so I don`t know, there are good sides and bad sides
to everything haha.
But anyway,
this was one of the miracles/beautiful moments/tender mercies of this
Another thing
that I wanted to talk a little bit more about is that the Lord blesses us with
extra time a lot. It is so crazy because sometimes...more often than we
should...we show up appointments late...but when this happens, the Lord blesses
us with the ability to eat, talk, teach a lesson and make the member feel good
and it felt like we were there for a really long time when we actually weren`t.
We get out of the food and somehow we are exaclty back on schedule even if we
showed up for the comida 30 minutes late AND the member didn`t even have it all
ready yet either. How is this possible!? I have no idea. All I know is that the
Lord loves us so much and He is so so good to us! This kind of stuff happens so
much to us and we are blown away by it everytime! Also, the other day we had so
many appointments and we were stressing out about how we were going to visit
everyone because our members couldn`t come with us to do divisions anymore so
it was just me and hna Kraczek....but somehow the Lord just blessed us so much
and a lot of people weren`t home or couldn`t do it anymore so we were able to
go visit everyone that we needed to and it was awesome. Also, yesterday, one of
the hermanas that was supposed to do divisions with us forgot so we just had
hermana Pilar to come with us but we were able to make it to almost all of our
citas and it was so beautiful! We were able to help others come unto Christ and
we were able to be taught by the Spirit and to feel his presence in our lessons
and it was so amazing. We were also able to walk through the rain, literally
through rivers of water (the streets turn into rivers here a lot when it
rains because there is a lot of water) and laugh the whole time and we just all
three had an awesome time together enjoying each others company and the beauty
of this earth that our Heavenly Father has blessed us with. It was a really
great day yesterday. Also, the Lord helped us to really catch up on our weekly
goals yesterday and even though we didn`t get all our numbers, like all our
goals, we were able to get really close on a lot and make a few and so our
numbers were pretty awesome this week! And the most important part is that we
are improving instead of digressing so that is always awesome :)
Well, I don`t
have a lot of time left so I need to go but I am going to try and write my
testimony in spanish...those of you who know spanish, please don`t judge me on
mine :) haha I still have a really really long ways to go and I am still
learning...a lot... :)
Yo quiero
compartir mi testimonio con ustedes sobre este Evangelio. El Evangelio de
Jesucristo es la mas bonita cosa en todo mi vida. Porque yo tengo este
evangelio, yo tengo una conocimiento muy maravillosa y muy bonita sobre muchas
cosas. Primero, yo tengo la oportunidad para ser con mi familia para siempre.
Esto es bien bonita y me da mucho esperanza por mi futuro. Se que esta vida no
es la final. Hay mas después la muerte. La muerte solo es una parte del plan de
nuestro Padre Celestial. Se que esta plan es perfecto y que Dios tiene una plan
especifico por cada una de nosotros, solo necesitamos orar y pedir para saber que
son los cosas Dios tiene para nosotros. Se que es importante para tener la fe y
esperanza en Cristo y en sus promesas. Cuando tenemos estas cosas, tenemos
esperanza en un mundo mejor y los bendiciones que viene por nuestro Padre
Celestial. Se que Jesucristo es la mas importante persona en todo el mundo y
que solo es por medio Él podemos regresar y vivir con nuestra Padre Celestial y
con nuestra familia en los cielos. Se que yo puedo ser una persona perfecta por
medio del Salvador Jesucristo y que yo puedo arrepentir y ser limpia de mis
pecados. Jesucristo es perfecto y es una gran ejemplo por todos personas. Le
amo muchísimo y estoy muy agradecida por Él y su sacrificio por mi.
I owe the
Savior my everything y sin Él no soy nada. Estoy muy agradecida por esta
oportunidad que yo tengo para predicar el evangelio de Jesucristo y compartir
mi testimonio y esta bonita mensaje con la gente aquí en México. Tambien, estoy
agradecida que soy una miembro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los
Últimos Días y que soy una representante de Él por todo mi vida. Es una
llamamiento tan bonito y es eterna.
Eso es un tan
tito parte de mi testimonio y lo comparto en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.
Thank you for
all of your love and support and for all the things that you do for me. I love
you so much and hope that you all have a really great week full of the Spirit
and blessings from the Lord. Cuidase mucho!
Con mucho
Hermana Walker
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