Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 Time flies

Holy cow...the time is flying by here!! My 12 week training with Hermana Kraczek is almost over!! :( I am so sad...we have cambios on the 28th of this month and I really don`t want to leave my comp or my area...I love them both so much! This is so hard....I am not looking forward to this day because it is going to be so so sad.... But at the same time, I know that I will be going or staying according to the will of the Lord and so it doesnt really matter what happens because the Lord has it all figured out for me and I just need to trust in Him con todo mi corazon, alma, mente y fuerza. I typed that part in Spanish because it sounds a lot less cheesy haha :) 
Well anyway, how are you all doing? I hope that you had a really great and productive week and that you were all able to feel the Spirit more in your lives and do something good for someone else! :)

We had much better numbers this week even though we didn`t even complete all our goals or anything but we got a few of them and we actually didn`t do too horribly so that is good right? We had like three investigators in sacrament meeting which isn`t aton but it is better than zero, and right now we actually don`t have too many investigators....we have a ton of menos activos though and we had a lot in the capilla this was at least 13!! :) So that was pretty dang awesome! And Amparo Rangel came with her daughter which was like a miracle since she is never there when we come to teach her or she says she doesn`t have time so the fact that she and her daughter came to church basically all on their own is a miracle! well, actually I just had this thought....she probably was visited by her visiting teachers and they invited her to come back to church and she listened and came...that`s probably what happened :) Either way it is a miracle and either way it has the Lord´s hand in it so either way it is something super amazing! 

Um, my knees are doing so much better! They are almost completely healed and I can walk normal and run and all that! The only thing I still can`t do is kneel or squat slash croach down, so when I am talking to little kids or cute little babies it is a little bit awkward haha but whatever, it`s all good! :) 

How was Evan`s homecoming talk? I bet it was really cute/good/sweet/spiritual and all that really awesome stuff! He is so cute and I loved when we read his emails because he was always so sincere and always had so much love for his mission and the people there and also he expressed so much love for his family, especially his dad, which I always thought was the cutest! I won`t be able to write again before these happen so I am going to say something really quick right now and then next monday I will write more stuff about it to the people that deserve it alright? So with that said....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM AND PEPPIN!!!!! I love you both so much and I can`t believe  you guys are having your birthdays already! How is it already October!? Prest, I can`t believe that you are turning 13...what the!? How!? How is everyone getting so old!? I hope that you have a really great birthday on the 18th and that you get some cool stuff and laugh a lot! Mom, don`t worry I won`t tell everyone how old you are ;) but I just wanted to say happy birthday to you also and tell you that I love you so much! You are so beautiful and kind and you are a great example to me! I hope that I can be as serviceful and kind as you when I grow up and I hope that I can always put all my efforts and energy into my callings and works like you do. Thank you so much for everything that you do for me and for my siblings. You really are the best! 

I will write you both longer and more meaningful emails next week but I don`t have anymore time right now... I have to go because one of our investigators invited us over to eat with them at 2...that`s in one minute haha....

But really quick, the mission leader, Juan, got released....we are all so sad because Juan is basically the best and he is the cutest little old man!! He doesn`t even look old but I guess he is kind of older...but he totally still goes out and plays basketball and stuff with 20 year olds so that is pretty sweet. He also has the best laugh in the world! It is so cute and so funny! I always have to laugh when I hear it :) we are having a little party for him and Hermana Kraczek and I made him an icecream cake because he loves icecream! I hope it turns out...neither of us have made one of those before....but it looks really good and hopefully it will work! 

Well, that is basically all I have right now and I need to go but I have a recording for you is a little "graphic" haha but it was something that happened this week that was...different...haha. Well, I love you all so much and I am so grateful for your love and support! I hope that you all are still trying your best to recognize the Lord`s hand in your lives and that you are keeping track of all the little miracles that He blesses you with everyday. Keep smiling and serving and gathering light so that your testimonies will shine so bright you can spiritually set people on fire!! Love you!!! :) :)

Love always, 
Hermana Walker


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